During a star tour you will get to experience and understand our little home of Planet Earth in a very transformative and unique way like never before.
"Feel" the rotation of the Earth and the seasons from a new perspective. Become closer to our planetary neighbours in the Solar system and understand our place in the Milkyway Galaxy and ultimately the vastness and mind blowing wonders of the Universe.
Tours run for 1.5hr (90mins) and start at 2000hrs (8pm).
During the summer months you may wish to start later for tours requiring the darkest conditions. Start and run times are flexible.
Minimum booking is three (3) people. Less than 3 people have option to pay for 3 to run tour.
- Star Tour: This tour is the one stop shop tour for groups of any size and runs on both Moonlit and Moonless nights.
- Deep Sky Tour: For smaller groups these tours are focused on more detailed observing of deep sky objects or planetary and Lunar observing.
- Phone Tour: Use the camera on your phone and capture images of the Moon and or Planets.
- Camera Tour: Bring along your DSLR camera and attach it to our telescopes so you can take some amazing colour pictures!
- Nightscape Tour: Grab your camera and tripod and learn how to take stunning nightscape images.
- Live Streams: Explore the cosmos from the comfort of your home, school, group, club, university, virtual star party etc from anywhere in the world!
- Presentations/Tuition/Workshops: Learn processing, presentations for your school, One on one lessons etc.
- Custom Tours: Got something particular in mind? Contact Us and we'll make it happen.
See below for more information on each tour type.
This tour is the one stop shop tour for groups of any size and runs on both Moonlit and Moonless nights.
You will get a completely new understanding and appreciation of day and night, the seasons, time, space and our home and it's place in the solar system, galaxy and the universe like never before.
We will guide you on a laser tour through the night sky where you will learn about basic navigation, constellations, planets, stars, galaxies, satellites and more.
Stepping up to the telescope you will be able to get up and close and personal with stunning objects close and afar while traveling back in time.
At the end of the tour we will take a picture memento of you and your group against the beautiful night sky that you can share with your friends and family. (Conditions permitting)
For smaller groups these tours are focused on more detailed observing of deep sky objects or planetary and Lunar observing.
Using large aperture telescopes we will dive straight into more detailed observing of Deep sky objects like galaxies, nebula, clusters, planetary nebulas, comets etc. You can also do a Lunar tour where we will explore the many interesting features of the Lunar surface. Choosing a planetary tour we'll spend time focusing on the Solar system objects getting to know the planets better. Ideally for small groups of around 10 or less people.PHONE TOUR:
Use the camera on your phone and capture images of the Moon and or Planets to share with your friends and family!
Using an adapter we will attach your phone to our telescopes so you can capture images of the Moon and or Planets.
Make sure that when you book your tour you check that the Moon and or the Planets like Jupiter or Saturn are visible. Check the software section on this page for free planetarium software. You can also contact us for more information.
Bring along your DSLR or Mirror-less camera and we'll attach it to our telescopes so you can take some amazing colour pictures. Small Groups of less than 10 people only.

Using adapters we will attach your camera directly to our photography capable telescopes and guide you through taking long exposure images in stunning colour.
To get the best out of your images consider booking a processing workshop to learn to stack and process the images you have captured.
Make sure you let us know what camera you have so we can make sure we have the right equipment ready.
You will need to be able to shoot it bulb mode and if your camera does not have a interval or bulb timer then you will need a shutter release/intervalometer or for Canon you can use Magic Lantern
Grab your camera and tripod and learn how to take stunning nightscape images.
Location for Nightscape tours will differ depending on the time of year so as to be able to get the best possible images possible. Details will be organised once bookings are placed unless already listed.
You will need to be able to use your camera in Manual mode. Nightscape Tours come in two options:
- Basic: Learn the basics of how to capture single frame nightscape images, how to focus, basic light painting, exposure times, camera settings etc.
- Intermediate: Take your nightscape photography to the next level using stacking and processing. This is a two part tour with part one on location to capture the images and the next day will be processing. You will need to have some basic knowledge of processing with programs like Lightroom and Photoshop.
You can also do a standalone processing workshop tailored to your needs.
We also offer wide field astrophotography where you can take wide field images of the night sky using your camera lens mounted on a tracking mount. Small groups only.

Want to learn how to take stunning nightscape or astrophotography images and how to process them?
Have a telescope but don't know how to get the best out of it?
Presentations for your school, group or club about astronomy, telescopes, astrophotography etc.
We can offer group or one on one sessions aimed at exactly what you want to learn.
Explore the cosmos from the comfort of your home, school, group, club, university, virtual star party etc from anywhere in the world!
No matter the size or place you can stream the Southern Hemispheres wonders live in real-time.
Interact with text and or Audio via any platform that you wish to use; Twitch, Facebook, Youtube, Skype etc.
Using Electronically Assisted Astronomy you can see objects in near real time and in full colour.
Make sure you plan for the time difference for your location when booking a Live Stream. Astro Stars Tours is located GMT/UTC +8
Contact Us now to plan you next Live Stream.
Here is an example of images captured from a live stream.
$100/adult(16+), $80/child(4-15), 0-3 Free
- Translator Service: +$30/person - Native Mandarin speaker for Chinese visitors.
Minimum booking is three (3) people. Less than 3 people have option to pay for 3 to run tour.
Prices are GST exclusive.
Make sure you read and understand the Terms and Conditions before booking or purchasing.
For Tour Operators and Groups use the Tour and Group Booking Form
It can get quite cold at night during the winter months so make sure you bring comfortable and warm clothing.
Make sure you download the free App Skysafari on your phone or tablet, info below.
Mosquitoes can sometimes be an issue during the summer months so make sure you wear long sleeves and pants. Please do not bring any form of insect repellent any where near the telescopes but feel free to apply repellent beforehand.
We strongly believe in inspiring our youth and we offer special Tours and rates for Schools. Contact Us for more information.
For viewing the night sky we are always at the mercy of the weather gods. Make sure you read the Terms and Conditions regarding cancellations and refunds etc.
Giles Park
Giles Road, Moonyoonooka WA
Giles park is a short 20 minute drive from the centre of Geraldton and is the location of the Moonyoonooka School built in 1895 and demolished in 1984.
The site is a grassed area with trees, park benches and a public toilet.
You may even spot our resident star gazer possums 🙂
- Head East towards the Airport via Geraldton-Mount Magnet Rd/State Route 123
- Continue past the Airport turn off 2.6km and then turn onto the first left turn, Narra Tarra-Moonyoonooka Rd
- Travel up Narra Tarra-Moonyoonooka Rd for 800m and then turn Right onto Giles Rd.
- Giles Park entrance is on the left 50m along Giles Rd.

Before booking your tour consider the phase of the Moon to determine the type of experience you wish to have.
Moonless nights are the best nights to explore the deep sky without hindrance from the Moon. Explore galaxies, nebulas, clusters and much more that you can not see under Moonlit conditions.
Moonlit nights let you explore the stunning peaks and valleys of our rocky neighbour. Many hours can easily be spent exploring the rocky Lunar surface and the lunar terminator which is the division between the illuminated and dark hemispheres of the Moon.
You can still observe other planets and bright stars under Moonlit conditions but the fainter objects will not be visible.
For the best of both worlds choose a few days after a New Moon to explore a stunning Waxing Crescent that will set early in the evening thus allowing you to view the fainter objects as well.
Stellarium is a free open source planetarium for your computer. It shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars or a telescope.
Click here to download Stellarium
The best planetarium app for your mobile device.
SkySafari is a powerful planetarium that fits in your pocket, puts the universe at your fingertips, and is incredibly easy to use! Simply hold your device to the sky and quickly locate planets, constellations, satellites, and millions of stars and deep sky objects. Packed with interactive information and rich graphics, discover why SkySafari is your perfect stargazing companion under the night sky...for free!!!